Within Athlinks' feature set are the abilities to Follow fellow athletes and view Rival stats for people with whom you've competed in the same race. This quick guide will show you how to follow Athlinks members and view your Rival stats.
Following someone is as simple as locating their profile in Athlinks search, then clicking Follow under their Profile header.
After you click Follow, the button will then say 'Unfollow'. You can visit an athlete's profile at any time later and click this button to unfollow them.
Once you're following someone and you've competed against them in the same event, you can view them in the Rivals tab on your profile.
Within this tab, you can view every person you've competed with in any event, the number of races each person has completed, each person's Age/Gender Class, Home state, number of Wins you have (number of times you got a better time than them), and the number of Losses (number of times they got a better time than you).
You can click any person's name to see details on each race in which you both competed including Race Name and Date, Location of the race, distance, and elevation. You can also click the + icon to expand each race for even more details including number of races, race class, time difference, and final time for both you and your rival.