If you signed up for an Athlinks account using your e-mail address and have forgotten your password, it's very easy to reset it. Just follow the steps below. If you know your password but just want to change it to something else, click HERE to find out how.
If you've already completed the steps below and you can't find the email or the email isn't working, you can find steps to resolve these issue with these links:
To Reset Your Password:
- Go to www.athlinks.com and click the Sign In button in the upper right corner of the screen.
- On the login page, click the E-mail button, then click the Forgot Password link underneath the Sign In button.
- On the next page, enter the E-mail you used to register for Athlinks, then click Send Reset Link. If you don't remember which e-mail your account uses, click HERE to find out how to recover your account e-mail.
- You will now see a confirmation message if your e-mail was entered correctly. If not, a message will be displayed noting that the e-mail was not found in our system.
- Now, check your e-mail inbox for the e-mail from Athlinks. Your mail provider may sort the e-mail into the Junk or Spam folder, so check there if you don't see it within a couple minutes. Click the Change Password button in the e-mail to reset your password.
- After you click the link, you will be directed to the page seen below. Enter a new password, then enter the password to confirm. Click Reset to finalize the password reset.
- If the passwords in both fields matched, you will be automatically directed to your Athlinks profile. Your password reset is complete.
The e-mail from Athlinks never arrived...
In the case of a password reset or a Facebook re-link, you will be receiving at least one e-mail from Athlinks in order to complete the process. Depending on your e-mail provider's spam rules, the e-mail may have been sorted into your "Junk" or "Spam" folder. Be sure to carefully check these types of folders for the e-mail.
Users with accounts using .gov or .edu e-mails may not receive the e-mails at all due to filtering imposed by the administrators of the domain.
There is also a possibility that you do not have an account with us yet and are really needing to log into our sister company, Chronotrack, at register.chronotrack.com, especially if you are looking to do anything like change races or check on upcoming race event registration.
If you're still not able to find the e-mail after checking junk and spam folders, feel free to Contact Us for help. Please include your First and Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, City, State, Postal Code, and Country of residence with your message.
The link in the e-mail won't open...
As noted above, some .gov and .edu e-mail domains have much more strict spam filtering in place than a standard .com e-mail domain. These filters can sometimes prevent links inside of e-mails from being launched from your inbox. You can work around these restrictions by right-clicking on the link or button in the e-mail and selecting "Copy link address...". You can then paste the link into a new browser tab or window to follow the link.